安娜堡康考迪亚大学(CUAA)致力于尊重您作为客户的隐私. Our privacy policy is clear: CUAA will not sell, 未经您的同意,交换或以其他方式分发您的个人身份信息, except to the extent required by law.

Information Collected Automatically

CUAA网络服务器生成的日志可能包含用于访问大学网站的计算机或设备的信息, or about general activity on the university website, such as the following:

  • Internet address of computer or device
  • type of web browser or other client application used
  • the operating system of the device connecting to the CUAA website
  • web pages requested
  • referring web pages
  • time spent on the site

We do not associate IP addresses to individuals. 因此,访问者的会话将被跟踪,但访问者将保持匿名. 我们使用的跟踪技术使我们能够分析趋势和统计数据,以改进我们的网站和您的网络体验.

Information Provided Voluntarily

Concordia University Ann Arbor does not require you to provide personal information to visit our website; however, 您可以选择通过电子邮件向我们提供个人信息, web表单, survey or other electronic means. 此信息仅用于实现您沟通和/或参与的既定目的. 对信息的请求将被指示给适当的工作人员,以便对请求作出回应, 并可能被记录下来,以帮助我们改进我们的网站,更好地响应类似的请求.


CUAA也遵守家庭教育权利和隐私法案(FERPA)。, 在没有学生许可的情况下,一般禁止公布学生的教育记录. 然而,FERPA确实允许发布有关学生的公共或“目录”信息.


安娜堡康考迪亚大学的网站包含链接到该网站以外的页面.edu域. 大学不对这些网站的隐私做法负责.


当在在线电子商务结账和某些其他要求个人信息的情况下接受您的信用卡信息时,CUAA使用行业标准SSL(安全套接字层)加密(在威瑞信信任网络注册到安娜堡康考迪亚大学). SSL加密是一种对互联网上传输的信息进行编码的方法,以防止任何人在数据到达目的地之前拦截数据. 激活SSL加密的网页通常通过在Web浏览器中显示的锁或密钥符号来识别. CUAA员工可以访问与其工作职能和向您提供的服务相关的非公开个人信息.

Security Precautions You Should Take

Although every effort is made to secure network communications, CUAA cannot ensure the privacy of online communications. 我们强烈建议所有用户使用具有至少128位加密功能的网页浏览器,以最安全的方式将个人和财务数据传输到中联会的安全服务器. 使用在线服务的个人也应采取措施保护个人信息, such as closing the web browser when finished using the site. 如果不这样做,可能会导致个人信息被使用同一台计算机的其他人查看.


Disclaimer of Liability

Neither Concordia University Ann Arbor, nor any of its departments, 项目, 员工, agents or individual trustees, 任何不当或不正确地使用本网站所描述和/或包含的信息,均不承担任何责任,对任何人使用该信息不承担任何责任. In no event shall the university website, Concordia University Ann Arbor or its departments, 项目, 员工, agents or individual trustees be liable for any direct, 间接, 偶然的, 特殊的, 模范, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement or substitute goods or services; loss of use, data or profits; or business 中断) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, 或因使用本系统而引起的侵权行为(包括疏忽或其他), even if advised of the possibility of such damage. This disclaimer of liability applies to any damages or injury, including but not limited to those caused by any failure of performance, 错误, 遗漏, 中断, 删除, 缺陷, delay in operation or transmission, 计算机病毒, communication line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to, 蚀变的, or use of record, whether for breach of contract, tortuous behavior, negligence or under any other cause of action.

Disclaimer of Warranties and Accuracy of Data

尽管使用安娜堡康考迪亚大学访问系统发现的数据已经从被认为是可靠的来源产生和处理, 没有保修, express or implied, is made regarding accuracy, 充分性, 完整性, 合法性, reliability or usefulness of any information. 本免责声明适用于信息的单独使用和汇总使用. Concordia University Ann Arbor provides this information on an “as-is” basis. All warranties of any kind express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, 不受计算机病毒污染和不侵犯专有权利. Changes may be periodically made to the information herein; these changes may or may not be incorporated in any new version of the website. 如果用户通过其他来源从任何CUAA网页获取信息,而不是通过CUAA网页, 请注意,在原始分发之后,电子数据可能会被更改. Data can also quickly become out of date. 建议仔细注意与文件相关的任何数据的内容, 如果有任何关于适当使用的问题,应与数据或信息的发起者联系. If a user finds any 错误s or 遗漏s, please report them to the 网站管理员.

Disclaimer of Duty to Continue Provision of Data

Due to the dynamic nature of the Internet, 今天可以公开使用的资源,明天可能需要限制访问, and the location of items may change as menus, pages and files are reorganized. 用户明确同意,使用大学网站的风险由用户自行承担. CUAA does not warrant that the service will be uninterrupted or 错误 free. 本网站或服务器上发布的文档和相关图形可能包含技术不准确或印刷错误. Changes are periodically added to the information herein. CUAA和/或其各自的单位和项目可随时对本文所述的信息和/或项目进行改进和/或更改.This information should not be interpreted in any way as giving business, 法律, 或者其他建议, or warranting as fail proof, the security of information provided via university-supported websites.

Notice of Non-Discrimination Policy as to 学生

Concordia University Ann Arbor admits students of any age, 性, color, 信条, 婚姻状况, national or ethnic origin to all the rights, 特权, 学校通常提供给学生的项目和活动. It does not discriminate on the basis of age, 性, 比赛, color, 婚姻状况, national or ethnic origin in administration of its education policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan 项目, and athletic and other school administered policies. 安娜堡康考迪亚大学不以残疾为基础进行歧视.f. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973).

Disclaimer of the Holocaust

安娜堡康考迪亚大学谴责否认大屠杀事实的企图. 毫无疑问,纳粹政府有计划地杀害了数百万犹太人, 吉普赛人, political radicals, and other people. No serious historian questions that the Holocaust took place.

Acceptable Use Policy

The Acceptable Use Policy can be found here.

Contact Information

If you have any questions concerning this policy, the practices of this site, or your interactions with this site, 请电邮至 网站管理员.